maybe im biaised because he is my fav

 In Defense of Matsumoto Jun
We've all been there. Been the judges of those paparazzi photos. While of course our first reactions start off as "OH PRIVATE PHOTOS" (because we all know they are rare when it comes to those talents under Johnny's Associates) those thoughts start processing other things such as: where is he, what is he doing, who is he with, and of course, most importantly, what is he wearing.
The contents of this post will be just as the cheap replica handbags title says. It will be an open letter defending Jun's personal fashion. Let me just cover a few disclaimers before getting started:
Disclaimer 1: Of course, I do not personally know Jun nor the real contents of his closet. I am purely defending the pieces we have seen him wear in public as provided by different media sources and any behind the scenes footage provided by Arashi's concert DVDs.=
Disclaimer 2: I will not be publishing any of the media provided photos (aka paparazzi photos) of Jun's personal outfits out of respect.
Disclaimer 3: There are A LOT of visuals. As expected of a man who loves shopping. It was very hard to keep things condensed. Almost everything you see is a screenshot done by me, everything else is a product of media uploaded to fandom over the years.
Before you settle into this article, now is the time to grab a cup of coffee, tea, or water! Now, take a look through a quick snapshot of Jun personal style over the years:
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It may not be obvious to some, but Matsumoto Jun is first and foremost a celebrity who has the means and privilege to spend more on clothes than the average person. People see celebrities and wonder why they wear "crazy" outfits and it's because they have the means. Haven't you ever seen something you wanted to wear but thought "no that's not me". Well, I assure you half the time celebrities don't even need to think such thoughts because they can spend money on it anyways. Even if that means dropping thousands of dollars on a pair of studded loafers with a pom detail on top.
Spike and tassel loafer by Christian Louboutin
high quality replica handbags china We have been lucky to see Jun's sense of style evolve over the years and right from the get go, you can tell he is all about having a unique look. It's only natural this point of view in regards to style follow him through adulthood and it's apparent through what we've seen, he has always been conscious of fashion. Growing up in Tokyo, where there is a myriad of different fashion subcultures, and being part of the entertainment industry have come to influence how he dresses. While many may think his closet is full of luxurious pieces, you may Designer Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags be right, but it may not necessarily be how he intends to dress because he has grown up in an environment full of unique fashion to influence his own personal style. Back in a 2009 issue of the magazine, Dazed and Confused, Jun was quoted saying replica louis vuitton handbags he is aware of high quality replica handbags china his clothing because he knows his job is to be looked at. Even on the streets away from the official TV cameras, he knows he is being looked at through the eyes of paparazzi and fans who consider his privacy. This alone speaks to his fashion choices.
So let's talk about his fashion choices. There are the infamous pom studded loafers by Christian Louboutin, a name synonymous with luxury footwear. He's been seen wearing pieces by theexclusive Supreme brand such as a pouch on the evening of the Hana nochi hare wrap party and a very limited edition scarf from the Supreme x Louis Vuitton collaboration during hatsumode earlier this year. He has mentioned his collection of vintage watches and has talked about shopping second hand as well. We know he has been obsessed replica louis vuitton with shopping fake designer bags and hats ever since talked about his fashion and showed his collection on 2 episodes of Hanamaru Cafe in the 2000s. Based on the behind the scenes footage of Suppin Digitalian and the Are you happy? DVDs we get a sense of his most current style. It contains jackets by Saint Laurent, duster robes, Nike athletic wear, and classic pieces with unique details like a pullover with zipper collar or a cardigan with unique textures. Jun is known to mix his personal wardrobe during work as well. During the most recent on the untitledDVD, Ohno pokes at Jun's knee through the distressed hole and Jun admits he is wearing his own personal clothes. These are just to name a few.
2003 Hanamaru Cafe Jun day off style
Research on Arashi's styles, both as Arashi and as individuals, have lead to knowledge of Jun wearing a variety of Japanese labels on multiple occasions. In his private time, he has worn pieces by labels such as Comme des Garcons, Yohji Yamamoto, TAKAHIROMIYASHITA The Soloist, and Kolor. To the normal eye, their pieces may appear to be "tacky" or "messy", but these are all insanely successful international labels and there is a reason each one of them is as successful as they are. The reason being, they all have a one of a kind and experimental approach when it comes to their clothes. They don't play things safe, they push the envelope, and gravitate towards styles to make you think what it means to dress. That being said, one can reason why Jun has gravitated towards pieces of these labels.
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Over the years, it has not gone unnoticed that Jun is the member who is mostly negatively judged over his personal fashion. I always wonder, does one consider his upbringing, personality, and profession as influences in his personal style? Perhaps, with what we know and can infer from these elements taken into serious consideration, there would be less negative judgment. Fashion as a form of personal expression couldn't be more real with a man like Matsumoto Jun. He is the head of creating Arashi's concerts and has been involved since the beginning and is constantly developing different ways to appeal to his audience as the professional he is. He is a man all about originality and imagination. With an artistic, creative, and forward thinking personality such as his, it's a natural instinct for him to personally express himself through an equally artistic, creative, and forward thinking closet.
Various Kouhaku rehearsal looks
Even if one were to really take a look at his closet cheap louis vuitton bags from china uk (by closet I mean the recent pieces he wears in paparazzi photos or looks from any behind the scenes on their concert DVDs), Jun has a low key luxury fashion sense. While he may own luxurious brands like Supreme (see: here), Saint Laurent (see: here, here), and Louis Vuitton (see: here, here), his pieces are mostly timeless and classic. It is details, adornments, accessories, and footwear that heighten his look and punctuate his style. As you may remember he has worn different pieces with zippers, fringe, distressing and we can recall his loyalty to accessorizing with his cuff by TAKAHIROMIYASHITA The Soloist x Cody Sanderson. Relating this back to his profession as Arashi Fake Louis Vuitton Replica Bags and creating concerts, Jun finds details are important aspects in creating the best possible environment for fans.
Here at AFS we are complete advocates for the adventurous looks of Matsumoto Jun and to quote fellow AFS member, Carine, because he's adventurous with his fashion choices, doesn't mean he has bad fashion sense. He's pushing the envelope, which often is interpreted as bad fashion from those not in the know about fashion. We all believe pushing the envelope in fashion is what makes fashion, fashion. It's what makes fashion replica louis vuitton bags real, interesting, and fun. It's what makes life real, interesting, and fun. And most importantly it's what makes people who they are. Jun's forward thinking fashion choices are what makes him the Matsumoto Jun we know. There is nothing wrong with sticking to uniform and playing it safe when it comes to fashion, but to be honest, when you play it safe, your interest factor stays low and we all know Matsumoto Jun loves to keep things interesting.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on Jun's personal style. Feel free to share any comments below!
An absolutely fantastic post that was both very clear, well thought and informative. I enjoyed reading your opinion thank you very much for putting this together and sharing with us.
As for Jun fashion, I agree. I said it in another post (but wasn't logged in) I like that he reuses the pieces. He has the image of luxury too but imo it's lowkey as you said. First of all because he wears those brands and some of his pieces are indeed expansive. Yet as someone in his social position, salary, fashion lover and national if not international entertainer, it's not as expansive as many celebrities especially in the west wear. The brands are known but the prices are sometimes lower than fellow Johnny's even younger in age let alone debuted more recently, wear. $700 for a pair of skinny jeans he will wear also more than once, is nothing in the world of luxury brands where H Moschino collection or Gigi Hadid Speed skinny pants with Tommy Hilfinger go up to $500 $600.
Which makes me think, that he does indeed pay more attention to the clothing piece, than to the brand unless it's one of his beloved one that he is loyal to.
Among the (many) things I had never noticed and didn't know before your post, was his choice of timeless clothes. I found myself nodding as I looked at the many pictures. He does have an adventurous style, but he also has clothes that he wears as base and then get more adventures with new ones over them. And in some of the adventurous ones are clothes that because they re timeless won't appear out of season of as we say in slang french kitsh aka old and tacky that get now perceived in a ridiculous way.
I truly never really understood the criticism for Jun style. Maybe I'm biaised because he is my fav, it could be a reason after all. In any case, I truly believe his fashion is usually not that bad. Sure sometimes I don t agree with what he is wearing but as years went on, it happened less, and also I appreciate him trying for different style (while remaining constant to his preferences and never goes outrageous) and the attention he put in it. It's also truly not as horrific as people say, we see worst on the runaway or in some famous brand display. He doesn't always plays it safe yet more often than not his clothes are good.
It echoed in concerts imo where ever since we know he took full control of almost everything, Arashi not only wear the best costumes out of Johnny's ( I can assert that, having seen pretty much every other group concerts) but also complimentary to the boys figure 9 out of 10 times. I only remember one particular weird shirt on Aiba due to the lenghth of it ( an orange one in Untilted.) The color, the Perfect Quality Louis Vuitton Replica trousers, the top fit the boys and yet he also respect their type of prefered style ( Like Aiba's ankle showing, or his more baggy clothes).
Your comment about timeless clothes made me think also that as luxurous and runaway style the clothes can be during cons (not the only ones anyway. KT wore Christian Diors suits in 2010 and tend to wear brands too), they're also more timeless style. Skinny trousers, jackets, some of them if they had less glitters could absolutely be worn if the salary follows. The clothes got much simpler in style too.

This is already very long lol I'm sorry for writing this much I just got very excited about your post and how great it was! Will definitely recommand your blog. Thank Discount Replica Louis Vuitton Bags you and to the other member of this blog for your hardwork. 


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